WARNING: This blog is intended for mature readers only. It's contents include adult themes such as sexuality, homosexuality, rape and violence, which may be inappropriate or offensive for some viewers.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


The flooded ground of the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah/ Photo by the author

You swallow the sun
Every morning
When the fragile earth
Still sleeps
Beneath a pallid sky

Fragile too is my home
Beside the churning ocean
The air captivating my eyes
Its memories dancing,
Laughing, crying with joy

Bereft of wisdom
I came here
To find what was left of me
After the broken glass
Of my childhood

I buried my father
As deep as I could

As for my body
It awoke to find freedom
From the storm of parentage
Blood is much more thin
Than water

I learned this in your bed
But I opened up a window
And fled to the dazzling ocean,
To a bright shore
Unscathed, unsullied,
Still a virgin, untouched by
His desire

Far away, far beyond the horizon
I see a shape glinting,
Promising a relief from my shadow

Will it come
Before the Afterlife?

Sinking beneath the waves,
Shattering, my old life dies
Yet I am renewed by solitude
In the silent kiss
Of your contentment
Content to lay without touching
Lips without posessing
Ecstasy without violation

Where did you come from?
From the raging blue waters
Or from the naked sky
Decorated with gilded stars
And the hallowed moon

It is all a wonder
To my boy's eyes
That life should hold
Such ancient mysteries
That an entire life
Can be renewed
After it was lost

Not by chance
Did you come
Not by a happenstance
Did the ocean part
From his lover's embrace
With the sky

You open up your mouth
To renew the light of the sun
To spread my wings again
To stretch my two wings
Over the salty and dangerous sea

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